Over the years, C&TA members have contributed more than £120,000 through fundraising and donations to the Norfolk Museums Service, enabling the NMS to improve, extend and conserve its costume and textile collection. Many of the objects below have been displayed in the 'Arts of Living' Galley.
This list is a reminder of the valuable role that C&TA continues to play. Click here to see more images and further detail about some of the items, including a Dutch skirt made of Norwich fabric, souvenirs of the 2012 Olympics, and work done by prisoners from the 19th century.
C&TA Resource Collection.
In addition to helping the NMS acquire museum quality objects for their collections the C&TA also has a collection of vintage clothes and accessories donated by members and friends which are used for education and fundraising, such as our Costume Detectives workshops, fashion shows and exhibition stands.
We are now unable to take everything that is offered to us due to rising storage costs, but we are always grateful to see anything you think might be of interest for these purposes that you may wish to donate. (The NMS is given first option on items suitable for their collections).
We are now unable to take everything that is offered to us due to rising storage costs, but we are always grateful to see anything you think might be of interest for these purposes that you may wish to donate. (The NMS is given first option on items suitable for their collections).