'MISCELLANY' C&TA produce and publish an annual journal for members full of fascinating articles on all aspects of costume and textiles. Click here to link to pdf copies of past editions. |
C&TA also published several comprehensive books relating to different aspects of Norfolk's textile history: Click on the title for more details/to purchase a copy.
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NORWICH TEXTILES - A GLOBAL STORY 1750-1840 A comprehensive history of every aspect of textile production in the 18th and 19th centuries is brought to life in this fascinating illustrated text book. The go-to reference for anyone interested in textiles or Norwich history. The Story of the NORWICH SHAWL - Helen Hoyte The definitive guide to the history, development and production of Norwich Shawls |
The Strangers of Norwich Hoyte, Helen.2017. Red Herring Publishing. In the sixteenth century Queen Elizabeth I issued Letters Patent to allow thirty Dutch and Walloon cloth workers to bring their skills to Norwich. The people of Norwich largely welcomed the Strangers as there was sympathy for their plight as religious refugees. C&TA founder Helen Hoyte's most recent book, The Strangers of Norwich is a charmingly illustrated book telling in glorious detail the story of the Strangers and how they revitalised the Norwich textile trade enabling a golden age of prosperity which lasted for 200 years. |
Norwich Shawls
Clabburn, Pamela, The Norwich Shawl, 1995
Clabburn, Pamela, Norwich Shawls, 1987. Norfolk Museums Service Information Sheet.
Clabburn, Pamela, Shawls Shire Album 77, 1981. Princes Risborough, Shire Books.
Hoyte, Helen, The Story of the Norwich Shawl, 2010, 2022 Nick Williams
Arthur, Liz, Seeing Red: Scotland’s Exotic Textiles Heritage, 2007. Collins Gallery, University of Strathclyde.
Clabburn, Pamela, Masterpieces of Embroidery, 1981. Oxford, Phaidon Press Ltd.
Specialist Collections with Norwich Textile Heritage references and archives:
Norwich Castle Museum -
Norfolk Record Office -
Norfolk Heritage Centre (Norfolk and Norwich Millennium Library) -
Norwich University of the Arts -
Norwich Castle Study Centre -
University of East Anglia -
Norwich Textiles
Morris, Thelma, “Made in Norwich”: 700 Years of Textile Heritage,
Priestley, Ursula, The Fabric of Stuffs: the Norwich textile industry from 1565, 1990. The Centre for East Anglian Studies, University of East Anglia.
Winterthur collection of Norwich pattern books:
Pasold resource page: This page is an open access resource for researchers in textile, dress and fashion history. There are freely available downloads in a range of subjects including Gillian Holman: 'Made in East Anglia: A history of the region's textile and menswear industries'.
Jeannette Durrant: And the River ran Red: Trade and the Production of Norwich Stuffs, 1570-1815. C&TA member Jeannette has kindly given us permission to use this pdf of her informative leaflet. Click here to view the pdf. |
Shawls (general)
Ames, Frank, Woven Masterpieces of Sikh Heritage: The Stylistic Development of the Kashmir Shawl 1780 - 1839, 2010. Antique Collector’s Club Art Books.
Ames, Frank, The Kashmir Shawl and its Indo-French Influence, 1999, Woodbridge, Antique Collector’s Club Art Books.
Blair, Matthew, The Paisley Shawl: and the men who produced it, 2004, Glasgow, The Grimsby Press.
Irwin, John, Shawls ,1955. London, HMSO
Irwin, John, The Kashmir Shawl, 1981. London HMSO.
Jacqué, Jacqueline, Anne-Rose Bringel, Bernard Jacqué & Céline Dumesnil, Rêve de Cachemire, 2009, Musee de L’Impression sur Etoffes, Mulhouse, ID L’Edition.
Levi-Stress, Monique, The Cashmere Shawl, 1988, New York, Harry N Abrams Inc.
Levi-Strauss, Monique, Il Cachemire (Indian and European Shawls), Volume 4 of the Ratti Collection, 1995, Ratti SpA
Levi-Stress, Monique, The Cashmere Shawl: A French Passion 1800 - 1880, 2013, London, Thames & Hudson.
Mackrell, Alice, Shawls, Stoles & Scarves, The Costume Accessories Series, 1986 Batsford.
Nougarede, Martine, Nîmes et le Châle, Musee de Vieux Nimes, 1988 Ville de Nîmes.
Pathak, Anamika, Pashmina, 2003, New Delhi, Roli Book.
Rizvi, Janet & Monica Ahmed, Pashmina: The Kashmir Shawl and Beyond, 2009, Mumbai, The Marg Foundation.
Rock, C H, The Paisley Shawl, 1966. Paisley, The Paisley Museum.
Rossback, Ed, The Art of Paisley 1980. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Ames, Frank, Woven Masterpieces of Sikh Heritage: The Stylistic Development of the Kashmir Shawl 1780 - 1839, 2010. Antique Collector’s Club Art Books.
Ames, Frank, The Kashmir Shawl and its Indo-French Influence, 1999, Woodbridge, Antique Collector’s Club Art Books.
Blair, Matthew, The Paisley Shawl: and the men who produced it, 2004, Glasgow, The Grimsby Press.
Irwin, John, Shawls ,1955. London, HMSO
Irwin, John, The Kashmir Shawl, 1981. London HMSO.
Jacqué, Jacqueline, Anne-Rose Bringel, Bernard Jacqué & Céline Dumesnil, Rêve de Cachemire, 2009, Musee de L’Impression sur Etoffes, Mulhouse, ID L’Edition.
Levi-Stress, Monique, The Cashmere Shawl, 1988, New York, Harry N Abrams Inc.
Levi-Strauss, Monique, Il Cachemire (Indian and European Shawls), Volume 4 of the Ratti Collection, 1995, Ratti SpA
Levi-Stress, Monique, The Cashmere Shawl: A French Passion 1800 - 1880, 2013, London, Thames & Hudson.
Mackrell, Alice, Shawls, Stoles & Scarves, The Costume Accessories Series, 1986 Batsford.
Nougarede, Martine, Nîmes et le Châle, Musee de Vieux Nimes, 1988 Ville de Nîmes.
Pathak, Anamika, Pashmina, 2003, New Delhi, Roli Book.
Rizvi, Janet & Monica Ahmed, Pashmina: The Kashmir Shawl and Beyond, 2009, Mumbai, The Marg Foundation.
Rock, C H, The Paisley Shawl, 1966. Paisley, The Paisley Museum.
Rossback, Ed, The Art of Paisley 1980. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Indian Textiles (including Kashmir Shawls)
Stronge, Susan (ed), The Arts of the Sikh Kingdoms, 1999, London, V&A Publications.
Crill, Rosemary, Textiles in the Panjab, in The Arts of the Sikh Kingdoms, (ed) Susan Stronge, 1999, London, V&A Publications.
General References
Official Catalogue of the Great Exhibition, 1851. Class 12 & 15.
Catalogue of the International Exhibition, 1862.
Stronge, Susan (ed), The Arts of the Sikh Kingdoms, 1999, London, V&A Publications.
Crill, Rosemary, Textiles in the Panjab, in The Arts of the Sikh Kingdoms, (ed) Susan Stronge, 1999, London, V&A Publications.
General References
Official Catalogue of the Great Exhibition, 1851. Class 12 & 15.
Catalogue of the International Exhibition, 1862.

The Lost Art of the Anglo-Saxon World
Lester-Makin, Alexandra. The Lost Art of the Anglo-Saxon World, The Sacred and Secular Power of Embroidery, 2019, Oxford and Philadelphia, Oxbow Books.
A scholarly and in depth analysis of the remaining works of Anglo Saxon Embroidery.
This book was published with the help of a grant from the Costume and Textile Association.
Many Hands Make a Quilt: Short Histories of Radical Quilting Bailey, Jess. Common Threads Press online. 2021. Published by Laura Moseley with the help of a grant from the Costume and Textile Association. This small book surveys ten quilts that have been made by communities for the purposes of enacting social change. All proceeds go towards amplifying feminist, queer, and intersectional histories of art. “When we grant quilts authority, we expand our conception of who can tell meaningful stories and how these stories are preserved. We shift our expectations of history’s protagonists. We discard our attachment to placing individual heroes on pedestals and look instead for history’s collective carers: the artists who showed up to the fight bringing useful resources for the long struggle ahead.” |
Other books
Tapestries, Rosita Sheen. A Shire publication.